
Updating the line of fragrances from the Givaudan company

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Project work and production launch

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Global logistics–the best prices for commodity

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Recipe optimization - savings up to 20%

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EUROSNAB is a global technology company operating in the CIS markets.

Success story since 2006

EUROSNAB - easy access to global resources


World trends -
new products, technologies.

We are aware of all international innovations
successful products.
We will provide the technology for success.

Recipe optimization
- saving up to 20%

A network of R&D and application laboratories will optimize the recipe and cut costs without losing quality.
without loss of quality.

Project work
and production launch

Design work and new product development. Accumulated expertise in local markets.
Work with focus groups. Assistance with staging
for production..

Global logistics
- the best prices for raw materials

Our own developed logistics and high purchasing power can significantly reduce the cost of raw materials. We will deliver on time.
More about the company


Сенсорные характеристики продукта: влияние на решение потребителя
Вкус играет ключевую роль в успехе нового продукта на рынке, росте его популярности у потребителя. Однако важно, чтобы при разработке продукта также учитывались и другие сенсорные характеристики – от внешнего вида и текстуры до звуковых ощущений.
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Региональный Мастеркласс Eurosnab&Smet: "Авторские десерты и эксклюзивные кондитерские изделия на шоколаде Veliche"
8 октября 2023 года компания Eurosnab совместно со своим генеральным партнером - компанией Cargill, представляющий бренды Smet и Veliche, провели семинар и мастер класс для кондитеров.
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Загустители в пищевом производстве
Для придания пищевым продуктам определенной консистенции или улучшения ее, применяют пищевые добавки, которые изменяют их реологические свойства. В пищевой промышленности применяют эмульгаторы, пластификаторы, стабилизирующие и гелеобразующие вещества, пенообразователи, улучшители консистенции и другие вещества, которые влияют на качество пищевых продуктов. 
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Belgian Veliche chocolate
Eurosnab has the honor to provide from our Belgian partner, SMET, a magnificent Veliche chocolate, which will allow any pastry chef and chef to produce delicacies that can delight.
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Закваски для молочной продукции компании Mofin Alce Group (Италия)
«Mofin Alce Group» - итальянская корпорация, которая является авторитетным и признанным примером, работающим в молочном секторе, в области производства заквасочных культур для всего спектра кисломолочной продукции, различных типов сыра, творога и творожных изделий, пробиотических и защитных культур, молокосвертывающих ферментов и разного рода плесеней.
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Совместный семинар Eurosnab и Cargill «Кормление и ветеринария в птицеводстве: как не упустить возможности и повысить эффективность бизнеса»
В период с 4 по 5 мая в Алматы был проведен совместный семинар с компанией Cargill. Экспертами выступали технологи, специалисты по птицеводству, специалисты по ветеринарии.
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Пищевые красители от Dain Colour Chem
Индийская компания Dain Colour Chem - быстрорастущий производитель, экспортер и поставщик красителей для пищевой индустрии. Компания предоставляет клиентам цветовые решения мирового класса в области продуктов питания, напитков, кондитерских изделий, фармацевтики, кормов для животных, косметики и многого другого.
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28-30 марта 2023 года компания EUROSNAB приняла участие в очередной международной выставке UzFood в выставочном зале UzExpo города Ташкент. 
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Полезное печенье
Стремительный современный образ жизни вызывает потребность в продуктах питания и напитках, которые помогают потребителям расслабиться, бороться со стрессом и лучше спать. Печенье перед сном с успокаивающими функциональными ингредиентами может увеличить вечернее потребление.
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Fat fat strife
By purchasing special fats, sharpened to solve certain problems, you avoid negative consequences.
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На что следует обратить внимание при производстве мороженого?
Мороженое – излюбленное лакомство многих. Продукт уже стал традиционным, а потому представлен во всех ценовых диапазонах. Производители мороженого постоянно обновляют ассортимент, предлагая новые виды лакомства.
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Caramel Color
The color of food products, along with taste and smell, is one of the important factors affecting their attractiveness to the consumer. After all, when buying a product, first of all, pay attention to its color.
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B&V Agar Varieties
B&V is an active multinational ISO 9001/2000 certified company with three factories in Europe, Africa and Asia. The company specializes in the production of a full range of agar-agar, both for technical and bacteriological applications, and used in the food industry.
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Collection of flavors "Berry"
Berries are small, but such juicy and fleshy fruits of shrubs or herbaceous plants that have a bright rich aroma. Due to this, they are in demand in many food and non-food products, such as: confectionery, drinks, juices, dietary supplements, hygiene products, as well as medicines for children.
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Taste modifiers: types and uses
Taste sensations are an important element of the perception of the surrounding reality. The sense of taste in the course of evolution did not arise by chance. The human body is a perfect biological mechanism, equipped with a complex system of protection, prevention and neutralization of external threats.
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Powdered Egg White: Benefits and Applications
In this article, we will deal with such a useful product for a confectioner as albumin. Why is it useful to us, how to work with it and how it is better than its counterpart - fresh egg white.
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Sodium nitrite for sausages
"Sodium nitrite" - this substance can be seen in the composition of all meat products, from boiled sausage to sausages. What is it and why is it added there?
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Ice Tea: the best hot summer drink
A popular soft drink, iced tea, has become widespread in our region since 2000. It can be black, green or mixed. And also have different tastes: lemon, peach, raspberry, etc. Iced tea is preferable to drinking than carbonated drinks, because it does not contain gases and a large amount of sugar.
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Ketchup: everything you need to know
Ketchup is one of the most popular sauces in the world. Many street and home dishes are indispensable without it, and french fries are hard to imagine without this wonderful tomato sauce.
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Real ice cream. What is it?
Among the wide variety of types and varieties of ice cream, ice cream can be called the most recognizable and common. Perhaps the taste of ice cream is familiar to everyone - delicate creamy white or cream ice cream with vanilla flavor. But there are a lot of misconceptions around it. For example, many people think that ice cream can only be vanilla, maximum - chocolate. And this is not so at all.
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Stevia and Truvia - new generation sweeteners
Today, healthy eating trends are very popular among consumers of all ages. Gradually, new eating habits are formed and new foods appear. One of these habits was the massive rejection of sugar consumption or a clear reduction in its use in the diet. But it is impossible to completely eliminate the sweet taste from food, so sweeteners come to the rescue.
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Participation in the exhibition “UzFood 2022”
From March 29 to March 31, Eurosnab took part in the 21st International Exhibition of Food, Ingredients and Production Technologies "UzFood - 2022". Exhibitors are registered from more than 15 countries, including Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Austria, Turkey, Germany, China and others.
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Opening of a new location of the «Equium.Uzbekistan» business community
The long-awaited opening of a new location "Equium.Uzbekistan" took place - a well-known business community that brings together high-impact entrepreneurs and business founders.
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Meet the “Color of 2022” – Very Peri
The large American company Pantone is the world authority in the field of color. For more than half a century, the company has been developing color palettes and standards, advising brands, predicting market trends. In addition, Pantone is an indispensable partner for the design and marketing communities
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TOP DYES in stock and available for order
Without a doubt, one of the most important criteria for choosing a product is its appearance. Therefore, most of the efforts of manufacturers are aimed at providing an attractive appearance of the product, especially its color. In the modern food industry, dyes are indispensable. For a person, it is most preferable and pleasant to consume food products that have an appropriate color.
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Collection of milk flavors for biscuits
Aroma is an important element in the consumer's perception of the quality and taste of a product. Like no other stimulus, smells stimulate our emotions. They are able to evoke images of people, places, and past events in our memory. When a fragrance is associated with a positive experience, a positive feeling is created and vice versa. This effect is widely used in marketing.
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Understanding the types of cookies
Cookies are rightfully considered the most popular representative of flour confectionery products. The product has long become a part of daily consumption, complementing breakfasts, lunches, snacks and tea parties
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How to extend the shelf life of the product?
The expected taste and texture of the product must be realized from production to consumption. Therefore, each food product has a certain shelf life, during which it does not lose its taste and remains edible.
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Food glitters
It has long been known that the first impression of the dish is the most important. We eat with our eyes before eating. And the appearance of food can both increase appetite and repel. In addition to appearance and aroma, we first recognize the color of the product. And what do we associate brilliance with? Of course, Happy Holidays!
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Xanthan: a versatile thickener
One of the important processes in food production is thickening. Getting a viscous, viscous, gel-like texture of a product is not an easy task. Traditional thickeners such as flour or starch have their drawbacks. To thicken the product, they have to be used in large quantities, which significantly affects the taste. Therefore, the discovery of gums improved the stabilization process in food production.
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What are cocoa products?
Undoubtedly, one of the main ingredients in the production of confectionery is cocoa. Cakes, cupcakes, pastries, chocolate, cookies - any confectionery product cannot do without cocoa.
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What are food colorings for?
If you think about it, more than 90% of the information about the world we receive through the eyes. Therefore, by giving color to products, we make them even more attractive, bright and attractive. It is on this that the demand for food coloring in cooking is based.
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Participation in the exhibition "AGROPRODMASH - 2021"
From October 4 to October 8, the AGROPRODMASH-2021 exhibition was held in Moscow, in which EUROSNAB took part as the exclusive distributor of MANE in the Russian meat processing industry.
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Unique vanilla flavor
Everyone knows the spicy sweet vanilla flavor that fills the space when something is baking nearby. It has even been found that the smell of vanilla contributes to the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, few people can remain indifferent to this amazing spice
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Maltodextrin: effective improvement of product properties
Maltodextrin is considered a fairly common food additive. By its properties, it is close to starch and glucose.
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Flavoring Chocolate NN 08193
Ideal for baked goods, fatty fillings, confectionery glaze with great chocolate flavor.
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SternMin 10735 - ready-made premix for mineral water
Ready-made Premixes are the most technologically advanced solution for the production of artificially mineralized waters.
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Essential amino acids for sports nutrition
Amino acids are the structural compounds that make up protein.
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Carbonated drink Tarhun
Tarragon - non-alcoholic carbonated soft drink to Tarragon extract
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